The Project

Every story matters, but not every story gets told.  

1 Day 1 Box is a project encouraging Citizen Researchers to dive into archives, to recover into public awareness the lives of people forgotten by history.

Sitting in libraries, small museums, historical societies, and similar institutions throughout the United States are archives holding the personal papers of people whose achievements are no longer well known. 

Finding and publishing even fragments of these forgotten witnesses to history helps us gain a new perspective, one that provides a more honest, compelling, and inclusive account of our collective past.  The more we know these stories, the better we can know ourselves. 

These archives belong to all of us, and anyone can access them.  You don’t have to be a historian, a writer, or an expert.  We all benefit from a diverse community of citizens unearthing lost histories and disseminating what they discover.

This website will help you to unearth this material—bits of unpublished manuscripts, autobiographies, diaries, journals, letters, sketchbooks, and photographs—and share what you find.

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